源译识 | 译文分享:OSPO——数字化政府的新工具
2023-11-17 18:22:17

【编者按】本报告由OpenForum Europe和OSPO Alliance for OSPO.Zone联合撰写。本报告指出,开源无处不在且不可避免,从国际层面到地方层面的各级政府都有以战略的视角思考开源的趋势,且越来越多政府信息部门选择开源项目办公室(OSPO)并将其作为实现政治目标和公民诉求的解决方案。本报告通过对欧盟委员会OSPO、法国政府OSPO和巴黎市政府OSPO进行调研采访并探讨OSPO引入公立领域的早期尝试,观察OSPO在数字化政府所发挥的作用。
It is early in the process for OSPOs in government to make firm conclusions. That said, the general conclusion is that OSPOs are built to give the Government CIO options and real choice.
Considering the observations from the case studies, as well as the theoretical considerations from the point of view of government CIOs, the OSPOs built or being planned are responses to the complex demands put on CIOs in terms of political goals and citizen needs.
OSPOs are responses to today’s digital reality where Open Source is ubiquitous and unavoidable. More importantly perhaps, they are also being built as a response to strategic goals where Open Source needs to be leveraged with intent. Strategic use of Open Source can increase an organisation’s, region’s or nation’s digital sovereignty and the jurisdiction’s economic growth in terms of start-ups, jobs and GDP. For the digital services themselves, Open Source is a tool to achieve better interoperability and quality, but at the same time it helps increase their transparency and accountability.
The OSPO is the institutional organisational construct that supports and accelerates consumption, creation, and application of Open Source software in the organisation that houses it. Doing this well in an organisation also has benefits for the government CIO in terms of attracting and retaining technical talent.
One of the main arguments for using Open Source in the public sector is IT cost savings, both in terms of acquisition and total cost of ownership. This is still true. The trend of building OSPOs in governments at all levels (local, municipal, regional, national and supranational) is however the result of Government CIOs now thinking about Open Source strategically, aimed at more ambitious goals.
OSPOs give Government CIOs more pragmatic options. They give the executives of the organisations more options, flexibility, and control when it comes to their day-to-day as well as long-term strategic goals. This, in turn gives them the ability to better and more efficiently meet the diverse and complex demands put on them.
开源发展与开发者专题 | 开放原子开源基金会理事长孙文龙:拥抱开源不是“选择题”而是“必修课”
2023-12-27 11:56:25开源孕育于软件,发展于数字经济,是开放、协同、共享的新型生产方式,对于新时期推动经济发展、科技创新、文化繁荣、社会治理、开放合作、共同富裕具有重要意义。长期以来,中国始终秉持开放、融通、互利、共赢的合作观,积极融入全球产业链供应链,基本构建了规模大、体系全、竞争力较强的产业体系,为开源发展提供了土壤、积蓄了能量、创造了条件。